Bold Style: The Online Comic Strip
by Jon Spengler


Ugh. I absuhlewtly hate 'Cast Pages'. I find them to be (as the cartoonist) an inadequate way of sharing information to the reader, and it is a hassle to keep that information current. But, it is an important way for new readers to be introduced into a comic. Taking this into account, most of you are probably new readers and you think that I'm a world class poop-head that doesn't care about what others think. That or you think that I'm a smart person that thinks a lot and doesn't mind telling others what he has observed. Either way, add zits on there and you have a pretty good description of me. ^_^ Looking back, you got an unintentionally included mini profile on me. Hehehe. Bonus, you luck boogers! *slap* x_o (oww!)

Curtis, video game junkie
One of, if not the main character. (if haven't decided) He is addicted to video games, mostly role playing games, but can get sucked into a good action game too. He sometimes fails to see the seriousness of a situation, and can come up with some... unique... plans. Tall.

Sharon, sorceress
A main character. Loves role playing game, and is a master at D&D. Also, on a stranger note, she has revealed that she is a sorceress She can use minor magic spells, but doesn't use them often. And no, the D&D and the magic using are not linked, mister evangelist! *seesh* Has a familiar named Sage.

Borgin, master mind
A main character. This guy is a little to smart for his own good. He can invent the most incredibly stupid things, but they can also come in handy. We have yet to see what he whips up in his mechanically inclined kitchen, but it'll be a doozy! Computer whiz-and-a-half.

Sage, familiar
Sharon's cat familiar. A newbie to the cast, but is going strong in the 'main character' category. Being a familiar, he is Sharon's servant, but only when he wants to be. Hey, he is a cat. He also shares Sharon's feelings, but not to a huge extent. The clincher: he can change forms. He can polymorph into most anything, and I can see that this is going to be an important attribute to this gang's survival odds. <evillaugh>Mwahahaha!</evillaugh>

Bold Style and all related stuff is (C) 2000 Jon Spengler All Rights Reserved.
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